Are you ready to have better sex and relationships?

Yes - tell me more!


A practical guide for couples who want to go from room mates to lovers.

Download the PDF eBook, complete with worksheets, insights and practical activities to enjoy hotter sex in 10 days.

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Are you
ready to
have better
sex and

Yes - tell me more!

It’s time for some more FREEDOM in your body and relationship, with less shame!


Maybe you’re busy trying to find the energy for sex and intimacy with your partner but it feels more like a ‘have to do’ than a ‘want to do’?

Are you wanting to overcome the shame that has slowed you down in the past?

Feeling tired of struggling with desire and misreading each other all the time?

Have you been raised in a faith community with teachings on modesty and purity culture and now you’re struggling to find sexual freedom?

Want some help to drop the shame and live empowered in your sexuality and relationship?

I’m so glad you’re here because I help people with exactly this -
finding and embracing their freedom and joy in sex and relationships.


“Prior to speaking with Meg my relationship with my husband was more of a friendship/flat mates scenario and our sex life was a chore which I knew long term would not be healthy for us. Each session I had with Meg was so refreshing. We worked through my beliefs that I had to look perfect, act graciously and keep my opinions to myself. I learnt how to have tricky conversations with my husband, and we were able to form a new path together as a team as I learnt that my desires were just as important as his.
I only have Meg to thank for this and am so glad we didn’t wait. We are in a stronger, healthier position not only in the bedroom but in our marriage and life together!”


Laura B


Talking in person helps us figure out what you need to move forward in your life and relationship.
I'll give you 25 minutes of my time, so you can get clear on what you really desire. If it seems like a good fit after that, I’ll give you some details but only if it’s the best thing to help you find the kind of freedom you’re looking for. There's no obligation, but there is plenty of opportunity to discover what can help you move forward!